Sealed Fates (Trailer)

Bilal Kaakati for Melis

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD

Melis is a demon  who needs to make deals with mortal creatures to gain access to the living world. He seems intimidation and rutheless, but he still has things he cares about. He is Vixen's counterpart and currently inhabits his body, and he doesn't really let Vixen take control of it anymore. Because Vixen is the captain of the castle's royal guard, he's taken on the same responsibilites as him for the most part.

  • (Frustrated, responding to someone refusing to listen to him) Why do you have to be so difficult!? Can you not just listen to what I tell you once in a while? Ugh!

  • (Responding to being asked why he needs a body, casual tone) Because I don't have one of my own anymore. I'm nothing more than the spirit of a demon, trapped in another realm. I can't interact with things outside that plain of darkness without the help of someone desperate or foolish enough to agree to share. 

  • (Bored, casual) There isn't much to be done today, so I'm going into town. There are a few things I need to take care of.


    Improv based on your perception of the character

Bilal Kaakati
Sealed Fates (Trailer)
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