Miitopia (Sassy Sisters LP) Round 3 (Script writers needed; amateurs/novices welcome!!!)
God Complex for Video Transcriber [PAID]
You will be fully responsible for ensuring notation within each script piece alongside everyone else fixing mistakes. Please ensure that you can multi-task between any video files given and Google Docs at a fast, reasonable pace so that we may complete all the episodes promptly. Please also note that we'll offer you a permanent team position if we find you satisfactory enough. (Psst, we are looking for more than one.)
Say something you think would fit
Discord is not allowing me to find you cause you have emojis in your name, so can you change it to something people can tag you with or message EasyEmily#2202. Thank you!
Other people had managed to send me friend requests with no issues, so, I don't believe it's the emoji's that the problem! It might be a glitch on your side! I'll send you a friend request instead!