Once Upon a Kingdom - A Fantasy/Animation Short

Missus Baker for Guenevere

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Missus Baker

Guenevere is a squire like Ilaine, but quite different in many ways. She is headstrong, and never afraid to speak her mind. She doesn’t like to be bossed around, at least not by know-it-all-soldiers like Lancel who thinks himself above the rest. Guenevere likes Ilaine though, but so far Ilaine has retjected any attempts by Guenevere to become friends.

We’re looking for a female actor with cocky, headstrong voice.

  • (This line is spoken to Lancel, just after he gives Ilaine his so called “Friendly advice”.) “Friendly advice? Want some "friendly advice" yourself? Quit your yapping.”

  • (Here, Guenevere is trying her best to befriend Ilaine. So go a little easier on the “cockiness” on this line, and try to have a more welcoming and positive voice!) “A couple of us squires were planning on playing a few rounds of Nine Men's Morris when we've made camp later tonight, by the way. You're welcome to join if you want to.”

Missus Baker
Once Upon a Kingdom - A Fantasy/Animation Short
Monday Pictures

Thank you for auditioning! We'll wait with casting all the roles until the deadline has passed, but we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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