Original Text Adventure {NEW PAGE IN BIO}
Joseph Bozlinski for Thrys *CLOSED*
*Due to this character being in the Second incomplete chapter of the story, the payment shown is the minimum payment based on current amount of lines. This *may* increase depending on how the Chapter continues*
Thrys is another character from the Second Chapter of the Text Adventure.
He's a mysterious man, and his true self, motives and personality are generally unclear to most who meet him. He is eloquently spoken, has an air of power and is ardent to achieve his goals.
Age is pretty open, as is the accent- though we're picturing an English/ US/ Atlantic accent, and one that again may not necessarily be 'posh', but is well spoken. As always, we're open to interpretation!
For the sake of the story and players, I shan't reveal more here, but please *do DM me if you'd like more information on the character*, and I'll fill in any of the gaps ':D
Thrys is pronounced with the 'ys' being like 'list' or 'Triss', not 'thrice'. Though we won't be judging based on pronunciation!
Suspicious of the player on their first meeting.
Hmph, I don't recognise you. Speak- who are you, and why are you here?Player replies- "It's impolite to ask such things before first introducing yourself."
Thrys lets out a short, snide laugh.Confident, aren't we? Well, I suppose I should brush up on my manners...The player realises Thrys was concealing a blade in their sleeve, just as he sheathes it. He pulls back the hood of their coat, giving a small bow.Thrys. And you?---
Suspiciously, but polite
So... Care to tell me how exactly you got here?He tries to describe his predicament to the player's character.
This place, this city, this...realm, is not your usual. Though I imagine you could tell that from your surroundings.It's complicated, and I shan't lie to you. You may well be here due to... mistakes you made.He scratches his lower neck. He's uncomfortable with the player questioning him so much.I was brought here against my will. I don't tend to speak of it.The player sounds their frustrations with past events.Hmm, a sentiment I can understand too well. I ask not that you come with me; just take my hand for now. I assure you, you'll come to no harm from it, I'm bound by my word.Believing they have the player's trust. More accommodating now.As to why I'm here, I have a favour to ask. For now though, come with me. I've many things to show you.Though we've just met, I feel assured that we're not as dissimilar as circumstance would have us believe.
“I understand what you say. What is innocent? That innocent man still killed for power, no? The king, though old, could’ve lived another ten, twenty years. He was of sound mind and heart, yet he was deemed ready to die by a society? Accepting death doesn’t necessarily mean agreeing to it. We all have our skeletons, our sinsTrying to persuade the player that what they've been tasked to do isn't evil, that they shouldn't feel guilt over it.
What is innocent? That innocent man still killed for power, no? The king, though old, could’ve lived another ten, twenty years. He was of sound mind and heart, yet he was deemed ready to die by a society? Accepting death doesn’t necessarily mean agreeing to it. We all have our skeletons, our sins.Appealing to a situation the player hinted to, using it to convince them.I imagine they were your friend once, perhaps more. A once innocent friend doesn’t negate the possibility of betrayal, the possibility of committing heinous acts. We’ve all acted desperately in adverse circumstances.
Guilt can be found everywhere if you search for it, if your mind hasn’t dropped the distinct reality that there’s more to these worlds than merely good and bad. I would think you’d understand those sentiments.Reluctant, resigned.There's no other way, I'm afraid.