Subject Illuminant

Subject Illuminant

Joined Dec 2019 1 Following0 Followers
About Subject Illuminant

Hello!!! My name is Nathaniel, although I am likely known online by the initials "Subject Illuminant." I am a youngling in the world of entertainment, and I have been messing with this stuff since 2015. I do a little bit of everything, but I mainly partake in music composition, although I also take part in making visuals to go with my music, and on occasion I sing (sort of.) The genres I mainly work with consist of dark, horror, electronic, piano, orchestral, and sometimes metal. My music and visuals are varied, and differ at times, so there isn't a lot of consistency. I tend to not be the most social of bunch, but I make my efforts when it comes to music and other projects of similar matters. There isn't too much that I can say about myself other than my dark sense of humor, awkwardness and such, so I will leave it at that, lol