

Joined May 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About stux

Yo! I'm Stux, how are you doin?

So how about we go over some details, huh?

Well first, I'm currently doing VA for fun. What does it mean?  It means that I'll most likely won't charge you for acquiring my services! Isn't it great?

My experience:

- While I'm a newbie at the voice acting field, I do have 3 years of experiece acting infront of live audience and improvisation!

- I have planty of experience lecturing infront of livr audience.

- I sing!

- I even once gave a speech at the president house INFRONT of the president himself! (I'm not American). 

Now let's get to my proficiency:

My voice is around mid to high range and can be versatile to mid to low, but I usually speak comfortably at a mid range.

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