Stephen Chernishoff

Stephen Chernishoff

I am newly in the pursuit of Voice Acting!

Joined May 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About Stephen Chernishoff

I decided to finally dive into a field I felt an interest in and where I believe I may actually do well. VAs have always impressed me and inspire me. When I hear a good voice line, I get goosebumps. I want to be able to provide that sort of experience to the audience as well.


No charge at the moment. I am building my experience and would love to be included in your projects.

What Stephen Chernishoff is looking for

As I am new to Voice Acting, I am mainly looking for roles that are available in my natural voice. I have a semi-deep voice and can go semi-neutral with my pitch. I feel confident I can take on roles that change my voice, but for now I need to get a baseline of my talents first.