

Joined Oct 2020 4 Following0 Followers
About Spirit_Wings

Hi there! I'm a teen Gachatuber! Just because I'm a teenager, doesn't mean I'm not organized. In fact, I'm very organized and hand in my auditions on time. I mean yes, sometimes I might have trouble but, who doesn't??? I hope we'll all get along and I'll be successful!!! :D

Discord: SpiritWings#3012

  • @deleted427156

    Spirit_Wings is a great friend to me! I was the one who encouraged her to try casting club because I knew she would love it! I figured she would like it when she made her own mini movie for a project, including her and others voices with her editing. I wasn't surprised when it one second place. (Though I think it deserved first!) I hope she finds and gets everything she hopes for on casting call! :)