

Joined Mar 2021 5 Following4 Followers
About sleebyreverie

Hello! My name is Adrian, and I go by they/them pronouns! I opened this up just as a brief hobby, because I enjoy acting and singing. I also do writing, but moreso fanfiction than scriptwork (though I have written a few scripts). 

My voice is definitely in the higher range (seriously, I can perfectly mimic those videos of baby kittens), which is why you'll see me applying for female voices, typically characters that are anything from children to young adults. I'm 20 myself, but have always had a naturally high vocal range that probably wasn't helped by watching anime as a teen and trying to mimic voices. I do strive to make my voice range more flexible though, especially lower! 

I'm also from Australia, which explains odd timezones. I'm not too aware of how much my accent would affect performances, since most of the work here in English prefers something North American, but my voice tends to fluctuate. To account for this, I try to keep myself as flexible as possible in terms of rerecording and whatnot. 

I know that I'm a complete beginner and I'm all but illiterate in Audacity, so I'm perfectly happy to take on guidance or any other alterations or tips!

In terms of deadlines, I'd appreciate giving me a week or so for any re-recordings I need done. I live with my parents who are divorced, so I tend to jump around from place to place every week, but I carry my mic with me when I can to try record at university.

My Discord is SleebyScallywag#1154 and my twitter is @beforeyougogol if you'd like to reach me! Thank you so much for reading 