

Joined Dec 2020 8 Following1 Followers
About SinonLife

Hello my name is Morgan, I am currently 21 years old getting a degree in Theatre (and Criminology). I figured while this quarantine is raging on might as well try out some voice acting!

Virginia Tech - 2020

Intro to Dialects

Instructed by Natasha Staley

This course is intended to provide a basic survey of the tools for learning accents and dialects. The foundation of the course is based in the pedagogy and methodology of Knight-Thompson Speechwork: Areas of study will include speech anatomy, speech work, the International Phonetic Alphabet, cultural context of accents and dialects, and competency with specific accents and dialects

Virginia Tech - 2019

Foundations of Voice and Movement

Instructed by Natasha Staley, Cara Rawlings

This experiential and performance-intensive course provides voice and movement concepts, tools, and technique in order to further deepen and develop the actor’s creative process. Stanislavski-based terminology and concepts are integrated with voice and movement work in explorations, exercises, written work, warm-ups, and performances.

  • @mercurytheatrepodcaster

    Morgan is a fantastic voice actor! She has a recurring role in our podcast, Mercury Theatre Podcast, and her work speaks for itself. I not only highly recommend her, but if there's ever an opportunity to cast her in upcoming episodes, I do.