

Joined May 2020 9 Following0 Followers
About SeraphicSiren

Hello! Thanks for swinging by my profile!

I'm a queer, female, Chinese American VA and classically trained singer with choir and solo experience, and I'm really very excited about lending my voice to your stories! I'm new to all this, so any and all feedback and advice are worth more than gold to me. 

I'll respond promptly to any contact or questions, and I'm eager to work with you! Unpaid/charity roles OK!

Specialties Include:

  • Opera

  • Young Children

  • Motherly Figures

  • Nerds

  • Customer Service Voice

Talk to me anytime and see what I'm up to here!

Discord: SeraphicSiren#2942

Twitter: @SeraphicSirenVA
DM me if you'd prefer an Email!

  • @mister123taco

    Seraphic Siren is a gem! She's provided voice work for 2 projects of mine. She is great at both receiving and giving voice acting feedback! She is talented and impresses me with her ability to sound like 2 different people in the same scene. She is organized and does well with deadlines! You would be remiss to not have her as a part of your team. It was my pleasure working with her and I hope to work with her more in the future!

  • @soupjeggings

    SeraphicSiren is a tour de force with an amazing sense of humor, her take on a centuries-old magic-user was enough to make me laugh and cry. Her care and devotion to the role were enough to make me smile and I cannot recommend her old woman voice enough. Absolute pleasure working with her and I cannot wait to see what work she does in the future.

  • @emerichase

    I had the pleasure of working with SeraphicSiren on an audio drama, and I was absolutely blown away with her ability to give a full range of emotions while doing a very strong character voice. She had the entire cast cracking up with her improv in our read through, and I'm sure she will have the entire audience cracking up in the final product.