

A storyboard artist who take a step into voice acting world (ESL). Website: I am vehemently against AI, genAI & Chatgpt that used to steal art, voices, stories & lines

Joined Jan 2022 5 Following10 Followers
About sarahwarao

Credits List (I couldn’t put in designated form due to errors occured!!🙏🏻)

Was co-director & storyboard artist in:

  • “What Comes Before” a Pre-Megaman ZX animatic (2022). The story is original, nothing from canon game; only references. Story, script, art, & voice of Harpuia by me, and thanks to @absolutelynotbethgreene (aka Luna Love) for not only providing voice for Ciel, but also helped my English script🙏🏻 (

  • “The Formidable Four” animatic, based on Japanese audio drama “The Big Four” from Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero; but make it English version with animatic (2023). Thank you @pdavis13 for voicing as Fefnir, @thea-solone as Leviathan, and @gxdane as Phantom. Luna once again return as Ciel and helped me host the casting call on her account & be liaison! (I’m unsure why CCC is wonky, cannot tag😭) (

  • The 3rd animatic coming soon. All drawings & scripts were finished, and 1 Va did their line. Will waiting for another 2 when they have freetime!

  • Meanwhile, an intermission animatic may come up before the 3rd big thing is up. Polishing scripts & very quick drawing animatic of it currently!

  • Another meanwhile, I wanted to be involve in other people’s projects next & honing my voice craft! Either indie/original projects, or fan-projects!


Occassionally voice acting

An ESL voice actor.

Normal voice was described by peers as:

  • warm

  • quiet

  • gentle

  • yet a hint of silliness

who can do:

  • compassionate, authoritative tone

  • androgynous-femme leaning range (but open to all women & ones under androgyne umbrella range depending on direction)

  • English-Malay accent with a mishmash of American English (due to American TV programmes influx) & British English (standard in education system), but not too heavy Malay-sounding, but still there in the same time if you squint.

If your characters in your projects/characters fandub for fun that needed:

  • as listed above & in my recording sample

  • or voice match like Megumi Ogata-esque or Romi Park-esque if you have characters wanted to sound like them, but please note that they still have flavours of myself regardless

  • or just simply have characters that suits my voice

    consider contact me via DM!

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin - 2013

Theater Club

Instructed by

Appointed as assistant director in helping both director and actors actresses for Malay slice-of-life dramatic theater story for 1 semester only.

Universiti Kuala Lumpur MIIT - 2017

Acting in Animation

Instructed by

A mandatory subject those who took Bachelor in Computer Animation. The lecturer taught us from voice acting to stage performance in 1 semester only.

  • @absolutelynotbethgreene

    I’ve meet and have known Sarah since late 2021 or early 2022. I first saw a tweet post and it drew my attention. From there, we networked. Sarah was very considerate and more than kind enough to start an indie fanmade project just for the two of us and this allowed me to fulfill a dream role. They may not have been the first director/project leader I’ve worked with but they were certainly my very first in the field of voice acting, and I’ve had numerous pleasant experiences working with them and that plays a big role in shaping my perspective for the voice acting field. Sarah has demonstrated an exceptional level of professionalism in their craft as an artist and a project leader. When I acted as a liaison for them, I was tasked to recruit new voice actors for them and provide them the casted actors’ contact info. Sarah is a very patient person and they respect my busy schedule. In my few years of working with them thus far, I’d to happily say in my unbiased opinion that Sarahwarao is one of the best if not the greatest person to have on your cast/team. They always display tremendous amount of positivity especially in the midst of any tribulations.