

Joined Dec 2019 0 Following0 Followers
About SaltyGuru

Howdy, i'm Nick or what most people know me as Salty Guru (either or is fine) i'm in my early 20s, i sort of slipped and fell into voicing acting but i would like to take it more seriously. most of my work has been favors for friends with a little bit of strangers wanting me to be in their projects and want something a bit more official hence the creation of this, so work is on the mind and i can more or less work all day.

now my voice range is honestly limited and i have no real acting training.
most of the voice work i do is Stoic, Quiet, characters that would be considered
one-dimensional at best, but are also just straight to the point or speaking in a matter of fact tone. now on the other hand i can do creatures that would be similar to Goblins, maybe reptiles, a real cave or swamp dweller if you will. 

that being said i don't know what else to add to this for the time being so here's hoping we both get some projects under our belts.

Discord: Salty Guru #9568 main form of contact