Sophia Chung

Sophia Chung

I'm Sophia Chung, software engineer turned voice actress! Let me help you with your project! Any questions? Feel free to DM me! Time zone: PST| Voice Actor | Cosplayer | Videogame Nerd | Software Engineer

Joined Feb 2024 33 Following27 Followers
About Sophia Chung

Hello there! I'm Sophia

I'm your Taiwanese American software engineer turned voice actor currently residing in the SF Bay Area! I'm here to try out all sorts of characters, and to help out all projects that I'm a part of! Outside of VA, I love making cosplays, playing videogames, playing DnD, and reading manga/books or watching anime!


Feel free to shoot me a DM if you have any questions, either here on CCC, via email, or anywhere else! My DMs are usually open! Just make sure to say something other than "Hi" so I know you're real!


- Microphone: Austrian Audio OC18

- Interface: Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (3rd Gen)

- DAWs: Audacity, Reaper, Twisted Wave, Davinci Resolve Studio

- Plugins: Izotope RX 11, Krotos, Clarity


- discord: miut

- email: im.sophia.chung

- twitter/instagram: @miuted_voices (for VA. @saiyeni for cosplay)

-- bluesky:

- website:


- Millie in Corroded Abode

- "Order" in The Consequence of Gods: Leech

- Persephone in Persephone

- Isabella Jones in Englewood: What Lies Beneath podcast

- Cassie, Radio Host, Creature vocals in No Caller ID

Voice One San Francisco - 2024

Audition Club - Self Study

Instructed by Sally Clawson
Gravy For The Brain - 2024

Online Courses

Instructed by

GFTB Online Courses taken:

  • How to self direct

  • Videogame voiceover

  • Narration

  • Commercial

  • Normalization and eq

  • Demo reel production

Voice One - 2024

Acting for VO

Instructed by Michael Ray Wisely

One of the misconceptions about voice over is that it requires proper and polished speaking, when in truth it requires emotionally connected and intentional talking. And since our emotions and intentions arise spontaneously, we must manufacture or “act” the emotion and intention authentically. That’s why it’s called voice acting, and not voice speaking. In this impactful class, you’ll build your foundation of taking an action-based approach to copy. You’ll discover your motivation, break copy down into beats, learn how to score a scene, and imbue your copy with meaning, subtext, emotion and intention.

Private Coaching - 2024

Instructed by Sally Clawson
UC Berkeley - 2016

Computer Science, Bachelor of Arts

Instructed by

Rates always negotiable! I also do volunteer stuff if I like the project!

Indies: If you are having trouble figuring out a price in general, have a look at this~:

NonUnion: Check out

What Sophia Chung is looking for

Generally original Animation, Videogames, narration, or anything in between!