

@r0se_3dits on tik tok :) 

Joined Aug 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About RoseCloudz

 Hi ! My names Holly , I’m 15 years old and I’m from England. I do a lot of free voice acting jobs via discord and YouTube :). I have been in a few projects so far, for example a flicker fan creation , where I played Annie , and a short animated movie called the panic room , where I played Rose and the Jacksons Diary UK dub, where i played Brenda and Jackson. I have also been in multiple theatre shows such as “what a knight”, where i was a dancer “go for gold”, where i played hermes “Matilda”, where i played a little kid “Hairspray”, where i was a corny collins dancer aswell as a backup singer and understudy penny “Wolves of wilbroughy chase”, where i am in the ensemble aswell as being both the mother and the aunt and “Annie !”, where i am in the elite servant and NYC dance ensemble. I have also been in the movie “Matilda the Musical” in which i was a little kid. I hope to get lots of jobs on here :)

Studio Theatre - 2022

Youth Theatre

Instructed by Pete

I have trained at studio theatres youth theatre acting group in which we learn acting techniques and methods. Aswell as having the opportunity to put these skills on display in a show :) 

South Wilts Grammar School - 2022

GCSE Drama

Instructed by Mrs Lawrence

GCSE Drama is a 3 Year long course which teaches you all about theatre and both technical and acting sides. I am personally being asses in acting in which i am predicted a grade 8 and have recently preformed my first piece of the course.

Panthera Dance Company - 2021

Dance- Musical Theatre

Instructed by Anya Dawson

Learnt A mixture of Genres of dance to create a learning environment specifically for musical theatre dances. I learnt many dances straight from west end choreography aswell as dances that my teacher choreographed herself

Show Off Dance - 2016

Dance and Acting

Instructed by ——

In this course we altered between Acting and Dance each week learning dances from popular musicals and receiving professional acting training. We often worked as groups or on our own to create pieces to preform and we got to be in an end of year show with both acting and dance elements in it.


Free but if anything is paid ill happily take it :)

What RoseCloudz is looking for

I would love to get more voice acting based roles :)