

Joined May 2020 2 Following2 Followers
About Ricinator

Hi everyone!

Nice of you to come by :D I am just getting into voice acting and just want to have some fun here.  

I did some amateur acting back in the day and I like getting into character - thinking about motivations and how they would react.

Which is also the reason why I am in love with Duengeons and Dragons. Right now I am part of two campaigns: playing a dwarf cleric and human fighter (wow so creative XD).

I studied Multimedia Production so I have a small background in audio editing and stuff, but I am more of a generalist. Meaning I know a bit and what to look out for but not super professional with making miracles happen.

In any case, I am from Germany, so if you are looking for a neat German accent, I am your girl. However, voicing proper English is also no problem.