Quantom X

Quantom X

Director and Owner of Hyper Frost Productions, Co-owner of Timeless Dubs. Unofficial 3rd lead of Radiant Media Developers. 

Joined Apr 2024 3 Following1 Followers
About Quantom X

Hello, I am Chris "Quantom X" Carson.

I am the creator and director of Hyper Frost Productions, a group of indie voice actors working on various projects, fan dubs, animated series, and even video games.

I am also co owner of Timeless Dubs, a channel for comic dubs and animated projects.

I am also the unofficial 3rd leader of Radiant Media Developers. Ask me about them!

I'm an aspiring voice actor and creator, working on various projects, shows, games, and more. Lots of dreams and big projects in the works.

We have a large team of voice actors at Hyper Frost Productions and plenty of music talent. Want to hire us for a job?

We're also seeking to create projects and a parallel economy for Conservative and right wing politically aligned or libertarian projects, voice actors and works. Countering the woke agenda.

Vote Trump 2024, save the country.