

Joined May 2017 0 Following0 Followers
About PuddlesKat

Hi! I'm PuddlesKat! You already knew that? Good! Then this should be easy.
I'm an Australian. Yes, I like Vegemite. Get over it. I'm female with a tendency to have multiple personalities. Temmie, from Undertale (I know, unoriginal) and some british boy that somehow turns into a female-sexy-voice. Whoever said that is probably a registered sex offender. Off topic! 

I want to get into voice acting for the fun of it. I don't need to be paid. I honestly don't want to be paid (but if you want to break into my bank account and leave a bit of money, you won't hear me complain.) 

I'm not that old, so my voice may be a bit off. Plus, my mic isn't the best of quality (seeing it's attached to cords that lead to my ears), but I always try to make do with what I have. 
 If you want to find me anywhere else, follow me here:
Snapchat: music_meanie
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/PuddlesKat
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PuddlesKat

Have a nice day (=^-^=)