

Joined Jul 2020 2 Following0 Followers
About Psykai

Hey there, I'm Psykai! I also go by Sorrow. My pronouns are she/her/they/them but I voice male characters because biology is mean :V

I have had a fascination and love of voice acting for a long time due to some of the amazing performances I've seen in various works over the years, which eventually fascinated and inspired me to the point of wanting to jump into it myself, and as someone who has always had a habit of making up random voices or doing impressions on the fly, it just seemed a natural fit. Whilst I've dabbled in a few projects before, it is mainly the last couple of years that I started taking it much more seriously and hope to make it a full time thing in the future once my living circumstances are better.

Over the past 7 years the majority of my experience has come from the fighting game and beat 'em up genres, including playable characters, bosses, and announcers. Whilst this does seem to be a niche and forté for me, I also adore character depth and story telling, so things like animated series appeal to me as well, and I've been fortunate to pick up a couple of those to test the waters with as well.

I think my biggest dream is to someday voice a character that is beloved by fans and has a special place in their hearts. It would mean the world to me to know I brought a character to life in such a way.

Here are some examples and links to hear some of my previous work outside of CCC. I'll post links to videos of the games/projects where possible if you'd like to hear a sample of my work in addition to the demo:

Avengers United Battle Force: Bowman boss & various enemy voices.

Way of Martial Arts: Temporary voices for all player characters in Japanese (a video clip from the game can be found below).

Megaman Robot Master Mayhem: Air Man and Bass. (Full playthroughs of each character can be found below)

Legends of Equestria: A Hearthswarming Tail reinactment: Professor Flintheart (full episode can be found below).

Legends of Equestria: The Perfect Pear reinactment: Burnt Oak (full episode can be found below).

Battle Stormer Classics: Narrator Voice.

The Perfect Pear:
Battle Stormer Classics:

  • @anxiouswinter

    Completed his voice work very quickly and with amazing quality. Very expressive actor who excelled at the character he played. Definitely recommend!