[PAID] The Cowell Sisters
Project Overview
The Cowell Sisters are set in Burbanks Vermont in 1951, they are vampire hunters carrying out the centuries out family legacy. They are descended from their Irish ancestors who immigrated here in the mid 1700’s. (along with the four types of vampires information is linked on them here: https://www.tumblr.com/the-cowell-sisters/772789165622476800/vampire-lore )
After the loss of their parents in 1949 the four sisters struggle as the demand in vampire hunting goes down, not to mention although society doesn’t ‘believe’ in vampires anyone who is a vampire hunter is deemed as dangerous due to their proximity with them. They are more reclusive to society as they hide the true nature of their jobs. But hey at least they have the house that’s been in the family for generations!
This project will be each character answer a select amount of questions (each video will be around 45 seconds to a minute long)
Each short will be partially animated with some of the other characters making guest appearances in others videos.
This is not only to help me to develop my characters outside of writing and drawing but to also give them more life with a voice.
The characters involved in this project will
Lorraine Cowell (24 years old)
Dorothy Cowell (17 years old)
Carolyn Cowell (15 years old)
Ralph Cowell (43 years old)
Frances Cowell (41 years old)
Note: Each character will have their own video (with the exception of Ralph and Frances who will be together)
(There is more description on each listing)
Voice acting requirements:
-Versatility (able to talk and interact with other characters)
-High Quality audio (You can use whatever mic whether that be a professional one or a phone microphone, as long as the audio is clear and their is minimum to none background noise)
-American Accent (Most characters are open to any voice, unless mentioned)
-MUST be able to turn your lines in on time.
Payment will be provided through ONLY:
PayPal or Cashapp
The videos will be posted here!:
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-She is the quietest out of her sisters, the most caring, willing to support her family not matter what, she gets along with everyone quite nicely (she banters the most with Charlotte though), she hates confrontation (excluding vampire hunting) (most insecure out of her sisters)
-Her voice can be up to your interpretation (as long as it has an American accent)
-She loves Shakespeares and poems and often talks like she is reading a poem from time to time.
-Carolyn is the second to youngest out of all of her sisters, she is 15 years old and tends to be the comforter of the group
-After her parents deaths she crawled more into her shell, boys tend to notice her insecurity and take a fine interest in her sweet nature much to her disliking.
-She is the strongest (physically out of all of her sister)
-She is exceeding with her vampire hunting qualities and instincts.
- english
- warm
- Sweet
- female teen
- american
- female young adult
- female adult
- vermont
- Soft
- adult
- light
- teen
“Oh Charlotte you can’t be serious!” (Said in a shocked tone)
“I just need. A moment. To consider my option.” (Panicking, talking to herself)
“How a Shakespeare poem would lighten today.. or any day for that matter. (Talking to herself, daydreaming)

-She is very empathetic, compassionate, willing to stand up for what she believes in (especially towards those she’s knows best), and she often daydreams.
-She loves to study the history and concept of vampire’s. Her voice can be up to your interpretation (As long as it has an American accent)
-Dorothy Cowell is the second to oldest out of her three sisters, she is 17 years old and often the daydreamer of the quartet.
-After her parent’s death she found herself struggling with her emotions, becoming slightly more agitated than usual. Before their deaths she loved reading anything, especially the history of vampires. Now she still loves to read, but she also keeps a journal on anything she finds interesting or worthy to write down.
-She had fallen in love with Finn Gaunlett (A vampire, despite her family’s occupation. Believing that his vampire type out of the four was the most humane and was like them. (luckily she was right))
-She is the weakest in terms of fighting, and tends to journal and study vampire’s instead of training.
(Note: Thank you Rilli-Luci for the beautiful drawing of Dorothy!)
- english
- female adult
- american (midwest)
- female teen
- light
- deep
- american (northeast)
- american
- female young adult
- teen
- vermont
- warm
- adult
- Soft
- high pitched
"Ooo this is definitely going down in my journal!" (Excited, happy she found something of interest)
"No! I don't understand how you could be so cruel. They have emotions just like us Lorraine. They weren't the ones who killed our parents. (Angry, frustrated, she is yelling at her sister)
"I just don't understand, why you can't see what I see. I just want the best for everyone." (Sad, defeated, she is venting to her sister)

-She is very stoic, stern, strong-silent type, observant, keeps to herself, leader, and a jack of all trades
-She can be occasionally strict, she has a stoic and monotone voice.
-Lorraine Cowell is the eldest out of her sisters, she is 24 years old and is the guardian of her three younger sisters after the death of their parents.
-Prior to her parent’s death although she was 22 and engaged she had resided in their house as she wanted to fully complete her vampire training
-She was married to William Swansen (She did not take his last name due to trying to conserve money) who had died to army related causes. After suffering the loss of both her husband, parents, and having to play mom and dad for her sisters she had found out she was pregnant with her daughter Rue.
-Lorraine had inherited the (generational) familial house after the death of her mother and father.
(Note: Thank you Muriel for beautiful drawing of Lorraine and Rue!)
- english
- female adult
- american (midwest)
- vermont
- Cold
- Scratchy
- light
- female young adult
- warm
- american (northeast)
- american
- deep
- high pitched
- Stern
- stoic
"We're vampire hunters Dorothy.. of course society will view us as killers whether we are helping them or not. (Neutral but with a stern tone, she is educating her sister)
"I'm trying to understand... I'm to understand why you aren't listening." (Said stoic and in a stern tone, Dorothy messed up but she cannot lose her temper.)
"I know how you feel Charlotte, I was very much like you before... (Neutral, stoic, she isn't giving off much emotion but is trying to comfort her little sister the best she can)
Ethnicity: White (American) (Of Irish and German descendent)
Information: The father of the Cowell sisters dies at the age of 43 (along with his wife) due to Praga vampires on a failed hunting mission, leaving his eldest daughter to care for her younger sisters.
Personality: Quiet, reserved, brave, studious. Although he doesn’t say it, he shows in his actions (Through teaching, gardening, bedtime stories) how much he is dedicated and loves his family.
Voice: Deep or medium tone, but also soft
Facts: He had a younger brother that left the family as soon as he could, Ralph misses him dearly and doesn’t want his daughters to ever feel like they should leave the family.
Expectations: If aren’t able to voice a lot of lines and be present, then don’t audition for this role
- english
- american (northeast)
- warm
- male adult
- male young adult
- Sweet
- american
- vermont
- all american accents
- deep
- caring
- Soft
"That's it now.. don't be afraid.. it won't hurt you." (Calm, coaxing his daughter out of her hiding spot)
"Vampires can walk among us and harm us humans.. but that's why we're here. (Calm, teaching his daughter about vampires)
*Say anything else you would deem as fit*

- english
- all american accents
- motherly
- warm
- vermont
- happy
- light
- female adult
- female young adult
- bogan
- american (northeast)
- american (midwest)
- Soft
"Don't worry dear, we'll be back before the night's end." (Comforting tone, soft)
"That's right, just make sure to scrape the bottom of the bowl to mix it thoroughly." (Caring, soft, she is teaching her daughter how to bake properly)
"Ralph and I knew we were meant for each other, it's not everyday you find another vampire-hunting family to marry into." (Reminiscing, happy to talk about her husband)
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White (Of French/British descent)
Voice: Warm, very light-hearted
Personality: Caring, thoughtful, generous, workaholic, cowardly
Information: The deceased husband to Lorraine Cowell, although he and his family does not hunt vampires, but he didn't mind. Infact when Lorraine was mistreated horribly at school when she was younger, he was always there to support her. He had supported her when her parents had passed away. He had enlisted in the army after the World War II to make easy cash but also to learn some skills without having to bother his already struggling wife, and also because his father had practically signed him up himself. He didn't want to leave his wife but looked at the Brightside of it feeling we would come back. Unfortunately, due to a freak accident he had passed away.
- english
- male young adult
- all american accents
- american
- adr/looping/eps
- Excited
- Cheerful
- warm
- caring
- american (midwest)
- american (northeast)
- male adult
"Don't worry, I'll come back. I always have and always will." (Said with little worry in his voice, but also a strong belief in his statement)
"Lorraine, do not be silly. Of course I genuinely love you, why wouldn't I?" (Said kindly but also confused that his wife would ask him that)
"Charlotte, why it's good to see you too!" (Said cheerfully, he is genuinely happy to see his wife's little sister)
Public Submissions