Return of Demons

Project Overview


Project Name: Return of Demons

Project Type: Manga VA, Animatic (some parts)

Paid/Unpaid: Paid Project. (See Payment Information)

Project Plot:


Muzan Kibutsuji has been killed and it’s been decades, yet somehow demons are starting to come back. The time period is now Heisei 12 (2000). No one knew how demons were coming back, no one had the power of Muzan Kibutsuji. A sorcerer, Taro Onizawa, was summoned to help with the demons that are randomly, and rapidly, coming back to life and killing everyone. The demon slayer corpse are coming back, all with new Hashiras and a new location. Taro is slowly losing her magic, slowly becoming unstable by the second. Her power isn’t strong enough to take care of demons itself, so she, herself, will have to learn how to become a demon slayer as well.

My Artstyle:


Payment: $1.50 per line

Payment Due: Payment will always happen AFTER the video is posted.

Why’s this?:

This is so I can see the emotion in the voice and see if it’ll match the manga panel, or if we need to do a redo on the line :)


Where will the videos be uploaded?


Return of Demons (R.O.D)


SWEARING/CURSING: There won’t be any heavy cursing, for those who cannot curse, however there will be some cursing every now and then. If you just simply cannot curse, then tell me and we can always walk around the situation :)

TW: Some scenes will have past trauma, which will have physical abuse, gore, violence, self harm, little hints of SA (I will never draw this out, nor write this out in detail, however they will be mentioned). Please, if you have any trigger warnings, tell me.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Apricot Scott (FEM VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
Role assigned to: Kiki

Apricot Scott, a 15 year old civillian who always is looking at the bright side of things. She's cheerful and overly positive, yet she can also get scared at times. She works really well with knives. She's the younger sister of Piper Scott.

(Payment: $1.50 per line.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • Medium-High
  • english (british)
  • female teen
  • "Well it's not my fault you can't take a joke!"

  • "Welcome! Can I help you get anything?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bonk Tsuki (FEM VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
Role assigned to: Jolly_R_G

A monotone person who enjoys being alone, and even owns a flower shop with their wife. They have trouble expressing their emotions, they are a civillian too in this project.

(Payment: $1.50 per line.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • nonbinary
  • Medium-Low
  • Monotone
  • Monotone
  • "Can I help you with anything?"

  • "You're total will be six-o'five. Will that be cash or card, sir?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
Role assigned to: Baerutt

Yokai, the main antagonist in this project. They're the ones who created demons after Muzan's death, starting with themself first.

(Payment: $1.50 per line)

  • english
Voice description:
  • Medium
  • Rough
  • "God! This is so amazing! I can't wait to see what other fuckers I get to kill!" [maniac laughter]

  • "You bastard! You- you killed him!? How!? He was my greatest possession!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kanako Himura (FEM VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
cast offsite

One of the hashira's who's the motherly figure to a lot of the younger kids. She's strong, caring, and helpful.

(Payment: $1.50 per line)

  • english
Voice description:
  • Soft Spoken
  • Medium
  • female adult
  • "Are you okay, my dear? Don't be afraid to speak up!"

  • "How.. dare you... you monster! Go to hell!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Azara Onoshu (FEM VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
Role assigned to: Mercy

A quiet and collective person who doesn't like to talk much. However when she does, it confuses a lot of people. She gets mistaken for a boy a lot.

(Payment: $1.50 per line)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Medium
  • "..You're cold. Here."

  • "Warm up, dumbass."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Anumi Takashima (FEM VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
Role assigned to: Spadecut

Anumi is the strong but silent type. She has some slight anger issues, but normally gets through it easily. She doesn't have a healthy relationship with anyone, but she does try.

(Payment $1.50 per line)

  • english
Voice description:
  • slightly rough
  • female young adult
  • medium-low
  • "Can't you do anything right?! What is wrong with you?!"

  • "I'm the bone hashira. What's it to you?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Toyohiko Suzama (FEM VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
Role assigned to: Kitsune

She's also a bit quiet, always speaks her mine, and it always seems as if she doesn't care for people. When deep down she does care for people. She just cannot express her emotions easily.

(Payment $1.50 per line)

  • english
Voice description:
  • Medium-High
  • female teen
  • "Yuuki, please leave me alone. I'm not in the mood." [monotone]

  • "This is different. You're different than the rest. Aren't you?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sunset Fujisaki (MALE VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
Role assigned to: Dimensional Rift VA

The older brother of Raijin Fujisaki, and the twin brother of Ohana Fujisaki. He became a demon slayer after his parents had passed away from a tragedy. He and Raijin don't have the best relationship, sometimes the both of them would ignore each other for years. He's slightly jealous that Raijin, who's only a couple of years younger than him, has already surpassed him, while he's stuck behind.

(Payment is $1.50 per line)

  • english
Voice description:
  • medium-low
  • male young adult
  • "Oh goody, looks like the great-oh 'Hashira' is back."

  • "Let's go, Ohana. We can't stay here another minute longer.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Violet Hiyaami (FEM VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
Role assigned to: Adrian Delgado

A girl with somewhat of a positive attitude who sometimes bites. She has anger issues and sometimes isn't able to control it, always managing to break her sword in one way or another. She is australian.

(Payment is $1.50 per line)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • Medium-High
  • australian
  • "Hey! I'm Violet, what's your name?"

  • "Oh fucking, hell, bitch, you shit face!" [small gasp] "Sorry, I didn't mean to curse! I just can't believe that demon got away! Ugh!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ohana Fujisaki (FEM VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
cast offsite

An awkward girl who people mistake for being mute, when in reality she isn't. A lot of her past, she was forced to be quiet so she grew up just like that, and rarely speaks. She's scared of getting judged, nervous most of the time, and sometimes just blurts out things she doesn't mean.

(Payment: $1.50 per line.)

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • Medium-High
  • slightly broken
  • "... I'm fine. I promise. I swear. I'm fine. I'm fine."

  • "Sunset! Sunset, oh my god, please.. please tell me you're okay, for heavens sake!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rika Satoru (FEM VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
Role assigned to: Azaerz

Rika is friendly, however she can be phsycopathic when it comes down to her loved ones. She is apart of a D.I.D system called the Forest System with her being the host.

(Payment is $1.50 per line).

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • Medium-High
  • "Akiiitooooooo! Akito, come over here for a second! Pleaaase?"

  • [maniac laughter, quietly] "I'm slolwy losing my mind and it's gonna be your fault!" [happy tone, is slowly going insane]

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Elias Kiyoshi (MALE VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
Role assigned to: Genesis Greenwood

Elias is bashful and quiet nervous. Sure, he may be a demon, but he still is much introverted. He developed his humanity almost instantly after becoming a demon.

(Payment is $1.50 per line)

  • english
Voice description:
  • Soft tone
  • Shy tone
  • medium-low
  • male young adult
  • english (british)
  • "W-W-W-what is it... c-can I help you..?"

  • "I-I'm sorry! I'll leave, this was a mistake!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Asami Uchiha (FEM VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
cast offsite

She is a generally nice girl, and has a powerful spirit. She likes to be inventful, so she created her own breathing technique, called "Dove Breathing". She is mature, for only being sixteen years old, and raised herself in this cruel enviorment. She does fangirl at times (normally ends up a stuttering mess).

(Payment is $1.50 per line).

  • english
Voice description:
  • female teen
  • loud
  • Medium-High (not too high)
  • "Dove breathing, 9th form, Open Your Wings!" [softer at first, then yell at the end]

  • [monotone/dull] "You...stupid...fucker. You took my family. You took the people I cared about."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Snowdrop Fallz (FEM VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
cast offsite

Someone who gets flustered easily by simply the smallest comment. She's hard working and somewhat overprotective of her friends. She enjoys getting compliments by others and it just makes her day. Gets startled easily too.

(Payment is $1.50 per line)

  • english
Voice description:
  • Medium-High
  • female young adult
  • Squeaky
  • "Eek!" [scared] "Oh! Oh crap, sorry, I didn't see you there!" [nervous laughter]

  • "Demons are hideous. They are vile creatures who want nothing more than to feed those on the innocent. If you like one, then you're no better."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sakushi Suki (MALE VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
Role assigned to: cacescutti

Someone who is serious about wanting things to go right. He's sometimes nice at times, but when it comes to people he's training, he's hard on them only because he wants them to be the best they could. He's a former hashira, missing an arm from a harsh battle. 

(Payment is $1.50 per line)

  • english
Voice description:
  • loud
  • male young adult
  • Medium
  • "Get up! If you want to be a hashira, then you better train hard." [strict]

  • "Be awake by five am. We're going to start training, and I'm not going easy on you."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kira Kocho (FEM VA)
Paid: Flat Rate 0 USD
Role assigned to: Kitsune

An energetic girl who is always happy to show off what she had made. She enjoys being near others and is a real scardey-cat. 

(Payment $1.50 per line)

  • english
Voice description:
  • Medium-High
  • energetic
  • female teen
  • "Hey, hey, hey! Weeeeelcome in, can I get you anything? Oh! Maybe I can get you a light snack? You seem hungry!"

  • [nervous] "D-Demon... that's... that's a demon, that's a demon, that's a demon, that's a demon!" [screaming at the end]


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