In a time of turmoil between cities, a family of magical writers crafted a unique book that allowed them to create their own peaceful world. They invited trusted friends and allies to join them in this new realm, while some remained in the normal world to protect the book from falling into the wrong hands.
Sophie, the mother of our main character, was one of the writers who ventured into the new world. However, she fell in love with Chris, a writer from a lesser family who stayed behind. Despite her family's disapproval, Sophie chose to leave her magical family behind and create her own family with Chris outside of the book. This decision, compounded by Rico's dilemma, strained her relationship with her family further.
Over time, the book's magic began to decay as the peace within it diminished. The once harmonious world started malfunctioning, pulling people into it against their will. The book, powered by love and peace, began to weaken as people forgot the promises of their ancestors, leading to growing separation and conflict.
Now, the only way to restore balance is to bring peace back to the world within the book. However, this peace is fleeting, presenting Mira, our main character, with a difficult choice: to lead people out of the book and destroy it, or to strive for temporary peace, knowing the decay will return.