

Joined Oct 2018 5 Following0 Followers
About Play4Loki

I'm a 16 year old weeb that loves everything anime. I personally aspire to become a voiceactor when I'm older and I will take any opportunity to do so. Currently I am working on a fandub of My Hero Academia, so feel free to check that out if you are interested.

I live in America
currently in the 10th grade
I like to stream a lot on my youtube channel
And yes, in my accents I have mom in there. Mainly due to the fact that I can perform a voice that sounds like a middle aged mean woman.

Previous work:

It's pretty bad not gonna lie, a lot of it was when I was a noob at voice acting. If you would like to see it, it was for The Walking Dead voiceover on Silvergefers channel
Link to youtube channel: