petit biscuit

petit biscuit

Joined Feb 2017 0 Following0 Followers
About petit biscuit

Je suis Petit Biscuit!

French! lel nope I don't speak croissant, but eh it makede me sound cool fo a bit! xD I dunno what this mérde is actually fo... is it supposed to be a dscrptn or whaaa? 

What'eves u knw who i am! Petit is the name and Biscuit is the game! *Cringeeeeee* I introduce me self that way sometimes... to the wall... my only friend! It actually is xD it always passes the ball back to me and supports meh when i binge watch le animu. LMa0 what a Oui-abooo! 

Anything else u need to kn0w... well... i am a biscuit! For those clueless masses of existential impotence that don't know what that means!!!!!!!!!!!! It simply translates to I am the supreme rulah of y'all and you plebeians should all obey and bow down to me! You should all continue to sell your sou-.... Perhaps, yes... hmm. Nah! Ignore that thought!  Anyways you plebs, que paso! Howdeedo? 

Wow you must have the melodrama of an uneventful life for you to be here reading this! Oh sweet mother of Budah did I hurt ur feewings! ∩(︶▽︶)∩ Ah its all cool u children, je t'aime ma petite pomme de terre, because ich bin eine Kartoffel! Which is a bit contradicktory cos i jus said imma biscuit!!!! (╯◕_◕)╯

Before we palt company I would rike to terr u arr somethin in-tu-lestin! Nakahara Chuuuuuuuya is Aweeee-some! I mean I used to be a fan! But now je suis an air conditioner! ( ‿⌓‿ ) shmur whateves, if i happn to knw u, frst of L0ooo\0l and second knw that i wuw animu, kill me plox and boi if u don't comprendo a word I is sayin.... well enjoy this stream of consciousness abuse! 

- The name's actually Petit Mafia... but u lads can call meh Petit Biscuit xD 