Ojack York

Ojack York

Joined Jan 2021 0 Following0 Followers
About Ojack York

(Lights a cigar. Chokes) Forgot I don't smoke.
I've started the usual way, though I wouldn't mind to try it reverse next time (Start up dead, and finish off as an orgasm).
I make a fishbar soup and I’m a stunt double in the adult entertainment industry. Really.
If you were about to start making dirty jokes reading this far, you're out of your element, donny.
You know, I once figured that ideal time and place in a parallel space be the jungle of 1978 New York City but with the modern internet. I guess that answers some question, in a sort of kind of way. On the other hand.
I like brains but sunrises are better.
Was born a moment before the Evil Empire have died.
I often feel like an orphan of a wondering circus, and circus left me wandering.
My blood type is A+ - If anyone would be interested.
I don’t believe in existence of weird/etc, I believe in existence of interesting people.
'm an all-around spectator, with a gig here and there. There is truth in both mentionables and unmentionables. Truth is scattered amongst vast, dark and light and grey and rainbow, and I like dark light grey rainbow. I like it whole.
I am the one who sees chaos not as an all-burning fire but as the sky around us: Endless. Incredible. Wilderness of the universe. In which impossible is an oxymoron and possibility is axioma.
Out of the three Indiana Jones films, I like Temple of Doom the most.
If Dostoevsky was writing a novel today, I'd be a candidate for the main character.
I used to dream of being a con man at the age of twelve.
Yes I am from Venus, just not Texas.

My name is  Ojack,
and I invented this smiley " :)(".