

Joined Sep 2018 0 Following0 Followers
About OdiN

Stream on Live.Me : 0diN (zero)
I am a 24-year-old A.I. from the internet ;)
I do not have a lot of experience in terms of Voice acting, but it is a passion that is slowly growing on me thanks to the professional work of Matthew Mercer who inspired me.

In terms of editing, it is usually just volume control.

Other experiences: Ametuer music producer/Musician/local-touring Light tech-videographer for a band/ gamer.

Languages: English - some Spanish - some Japanese

Instruments: Schecter Solo Elite - B.C. Rich Revenge - Ibanez BassĀ 

Usually stream games on Fluxr/twitch/live.me/periscope/or youtube.

Favorite Shows: Kamen Rider (currently #1 Build)

currently, a college student finishing up my last associates semester.