Lee Seymour Lien

Lee Seymour Lien

❀ they/them

Joined Feb 2022 3 Following3 Followers
About Lee Seymour Lien

Tomuwa Entertainment, also known as tomuwa or TOME (pronounced /to-mɛ/) is a small indie game development company. We develop, publish and (eventually) license video game content.

The company is currently in a stage of development. We expect to stay small, however with time we'll expand to possibly sell content. We are currently not trademarked, copyrighted, or licensed as there is not an established need for those processes yet. (Those things also require money.)

All "employees" of TOME are unpaid because, frankly, the company was founded by a 22-year-old college student that works at Target. There is no budget for wages, as the current and only project (Samuda Interval) started as a personal project and became a ever-so-slightly larger project, extended to oatnoodles' friends. If the company expands and Samuda Interval does well (gains backing and funding) wages will be re-assessed, but currently it is just a fun project.

To say, this company is mostly just a fun name. It is not official in any capacity right now. A way to distribute news about games in development and build branding (however little there is.)

What Lee Seymour Lien is looking for

I'm the director and developer of Samuda Interval, a visual novel video game based on the Persona series.