

Joined Aug 2019 0 Following0 Followers
About nonproohet

Hi, I'm nonprophet! I made a typo when I made my account, and... yeah.

I'm an amateur voice actor. I also write and record rap music that nobody listens to. It's a lot of disheartening fun. I'm a father, so I hafta do things, like set an example and whatnot. I do a lot of voices at A Shiny Package on YouTube, which is now defunct, because I can't get into the account for some reason. I'll be starting a new channel and reviving some old projects before too long. Maybe I'll try to bring some of you along for the ride.

Well, hey, if you took the time to read this, don't be a stranger! Send me a message. Take care, out there! Sometimes I think the world is going crazy.