

Joined Feb 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About Nico_pdf

Hello World!

Welcome to my profile! Thanks for taking a part of your day to give a gander at what I can offer.  I'm a 23-year-old Male from the Philippines. I love to read a lot and eat food. The best qualities in my honest opinion HAHA!

I speak! I've always loved doing voices as a kid and growing up we would listen to a lot of radio. Due to this, my love for broadcasting and voice talent fostered. Videogames and Anime took part in it as well of course HAHA!

I write! I've been writing a lot in my spare time. Mostly private stuff that needs polishing.

I sing! I used to be part of a band but my education had to come first.
I edit! Audio and Video. That's what 4 years of college is like for me. Write, Act, Edit, Repeat.

Let's make wonderful things together!