Issac B.

Issac B.

Joined Oct 2021 0 Following0 Followers
About Issac B.

Hey all not quite sure what to say but here goes nothing--

My names Issac but I go by NerdyBeast on basically all socials im on; I'm transmasculine[he/him pronouns] and currently in my 20's.

I grew up with a deep dislike toward my own voice for, obvious reasons id say, and it wasn't until it started to change that I was at least slightly more comfortable speaking out loud. That said, I still had a really hard time finding confidence in my own voice with it being, how id personally put it, in a rather grey area. I wouldn't say my voice is all that deep or all that high and often times It varies depending on how emotional I am. Most of the times it can be pretty monotone if anything.

That's why I first started dipping into the world of voice acting years ago on youtube as a way to grow confidence in my own voice. I haven't had the opportunity to be in much yet outside of small roles that were less auditions and more 'if your available can you lend your voice'. But getting the chance to be apart of something, share my voice and have people actually like what I do and how I sound; its been an eye opener for me and has definitely help me feel better about my voice.

And basically, that's what brought me here. I'd like to have more opportunity to try out for roles and there's only so much that one can find via youtube. I'd like to have a chance to continue to grow and as they say, practice makes perfect. I may not get anything out of this experience outside of just becoming more comfortable with myself but that's perfectly okay. That's what brought me to the world of voice acting in the first place. And hey who knows, my voice my not be right in my own eyes, but maybe it is for someone else out there.