

Joined Jun 2018 1 Following0 Followers
About NecroticSynthesis

hello! i realize that the lack of capitalization here kind of makes me seem childish and unprofessional. the unprofessional part is kind of intended, i prefer my encounters to be as casual as possible. childish? guess i can't really help that.

anyway, my username here is "necroticsynthesis", as you can tell. call me "necro" for short, or by my real name - gage. please don't switch between them, it confuses me.

what am i? a hobbyist, as of right now. i'm here to be a voice actor, which should've been fairly obvious. i do want to do this as a job, though, and i'm hoping to upgrade my equipment, improve, and land better roles. i'm mostly looking to voice characters in video games, or shows, or even readings of things ((most notably homestuck and hiveswap)), but if you'd like my voice for something else, let me know?

one of my first memories is my brother teaching me how to read at the library. he didn't do it because my mom wanted him to, he did it because he wanted to. he sat down with me and taught me how to read "the giving tree" by shel silverstein. and i loved reading.

admittedly, that love of reading kind of holds up today, but not as well. i don't often sit down and read books, but i love language. i really do. it holds so much power. by using the right words, the right metaphors, everything, you can invoke so many feelings in people. sometimes, words don't even begin to describe something, yes, but they can start you on the road to understanding it. funnily enough, that's how i feel about this little section here: i can't describe what i'm trying to say, but i'm hoping that my choice of words and the way i'm writing this gives you a sense of what i'm talking about.

i guess that's really all there is to say. well, maybe not. one last little thing, if you decided to sit through this small novel. if you want me to sing, i can try, but i've never been proud of my own singing. and i likely won't do it in front of people.