

Joined Aug 2018 1 Following0 Followers
About nanabean

Hello and thank you for visiting my profile- I'm extremely new to voice acting, I've done some live show, vocal classes, improv classes and other drama classes but nothing quite like this. I'm working on my major in communication, media and theater so I plan on getting only better and better! Any feedback is welcomed as long as it comes from a good place :) 

  • @thatrandomtaco

    nanabean was a VA in a large project I created. As a fresh and upcoming VA she was amazing and did an outstanding job with her role in the project. I would completely recommend her!

  • @dazwizzle

    Nanabean played the role of Ezzy in my project. She was fast to respond to emails, easy to work with and provided one of the best blooper clips I have ever listened too. She did a wonderful job.