

Joined Jan 2019 0 Following0 Followers
About MrFortunate

My name is MrFortunate. Thanks for stopping by!

I am a 21 year old Kiwi-Australian actor & writer, born and raised in New Zealand, shout out to the kiwi bros <3

I've been voice acting ever since I was a kid in theatre and continued that passion through D&D as a Dungeon Master with a group of dedicated players who fell in love with my writing style and passionate drive to make every session as immersive as possible, thanks largely due to my voice acting.

If you're looking for a (absolutely self-proclaimed) laid back kiwi in your projects, or want to try me out, I can do quite a variety from low to high pitch. Feel free to send me a private message if you want to project/collaborate on anything! I'm always keen to try new things.