

Joined May 2020 9 Following14 Followers
About Morgan_Ganahl

Welcome to my page. I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay, however long or short it may be.

As you can tell by the profile name that brought you here, my name is Morgan Ganahl. I am 27 years old and have been a participant in the voice over business for the past 10 years. During that time, I worked on a variety of projects ranging from YouTube animations, radio dramas, audiobooks, and so on.

My goal is to take this beyond the borders of a hobby and enter into the realm of professionalism. I am more than willing to put in the work to attain this goal.

I am capable of working through written communication, such as email or direct messaging, to produce the needed product for my directors. However, I am fond of live direction as I feel it adds a special flavor to a performance and allows for instant change and critique. 

I understand that everyone has schedules to keep and deadlines to meet. I will respect your time by responding to messages and turning in material as quickly as I am able. 

Thank you for taking these few seconds to read over this description. I appreciate you and am eager to be working with you soon.