

Joined Jun 2016 0 Following0 Followers
About crystallynne

My voice is very youthful, yet it is believable because it is not exactly exaggerated. I am naturally a bit bubbly, childish, and cute. I happen to have a girlish giggle. If I'm genuinely excited, everyone else gets engaged. I can come across as confident and authoritative. I am always articulate and can clearly convey my message. I speak with sincerity. I have no trace of an accent. My pronunciation is proficient. In addition to a convincing child, I can also play a preteen (tween), an adolescent teenager, and a young adult.

Other key words to describe my voice: 

Animated, appealing, assuring, authentic, carefree, caring, cartoon character, cheerful, child like, concerned, considerate, contemplative, credible, curious, eager, effervescent, emotional, encouraging, endearing, engaging, excitable, friendly, fun, funny, genuine, giggly, happy, honest, heartfelt, hopeful, innocent, intelligent, joyful, kind, knowledgeable, lovable, loving, naive, nerdy, optimistic, outgoing, realistic, reassuring, sensitive, sincere, tender, truthful, trustworthy, vulnerable, and young.