
A female VA, Director and script writer!

Joined May 2021 15 Following12 Followers
About Luna

{~About LunaMoon~}

Hi, I’m Luna and I am a voice actor, singer, artist, director, animator and a lot more! I love gaming, creating stuff, voice acting and my puppy poodle/Bichon, Minty! Sadly,  I only take place in gacha productions, and I may do the odd Minecraft role play. I love art, and will happily do thumbnails and logos, but not backgrounds because I suck at them. I also only really direct/animate/everything else my own projects, but I will happily give you some tips on how to be organised and work through it!

My YouTube Channel:


  • @deleted528105

    good voice

  • @itzmemelody

    LunaMoon_Wolves is one of the best VA’ers there are! She has so many different accents she can pull off and is perfect for many things! Luna is highly recommended by me.

  • @marshmallowshoes

    Lunamoon is an amazing voice actor and friend! She is always helping out and is fun to work with. I would highly recommend her to anyone that needs a good voice actor

  • @potterheaddolphin

    Luna is a very dedicated, sweet girl who is lovely to work with. Her voice is wonderful and she really is a shining star. She's amazing and I am looking forward to working with her on a lot of projects.