

Joined Jan 2017 4 Following0 Followers
About ll_ucid

I've had a vast interest in voice acting ever since I was young, but never had the confidence in myself to really pursue it until now. Thank you so much for considering me for your beautiful projects, it means the entire world. 

I am 20 years old, currently working two jobs to make ends meat with my eyes set on school somewhere in the near future. I spend my free time writing (or scrounging up the motivation to), and use storytelling as my personal freedom. It's always been such a comfort to me, and has given me this sort of freedom even through my darkest times. 

I love anime! Probably more obsessively than I should.. But there's no shame in that! FMAB, Naruto, SAO, among so, so many more. 

Lastly, I should probably mention that I have a youtube channel. Well.. Two.. One for gaming, and one for sims machinimas. Yes, you could call me a jack of all trades. Anything to find my place in this world! 

sims: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_2XbQ1ZpEkpfZVBWr7i7fw

gaming: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRJNTZV1J_Kzw9BnWdyhUKA