

A very burnt out uni student with the aspiration to become a voice actor and a theatre teacher!

Joined Jun 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About Lemmix

Hello! My name is Lemmix (not really, but my online name!) and I am a 20 something year old (she/her pronouns) with a lot of time on my hands.

Currently, I am studying for my BFA in Theatre and also getting a teaching certification as well to teach high school theatre (what a shocker there lol)! I hope that I can show future students the world of theatre and many aspects of it, not just stage theatre (I hope to show them film, editing, and voice work too!).

Voice acting is a hobby of mine, but I also want to make it a career too if I can (I would love to do audio books, if anything, and maybe some animations and game work too!). 

As for now, you can reach me at my Discord, lemmix01, if you have any inquiries. Thank you!