

Joined Sep 2017 1 Following0 Followers
About Lampifer

Yo, my name is Lamp. It's a name that sorta grew on me ever since a joke, and now it's lead all the way up until now.
-About This Fucker-
Well, first of all, I'm still in school, and I live in Central time, so I normally won't be able to do shit until 3 pm my time.
I'm really into JRPGs, MMOs, that sorta stuff, but don't call me a "gamer", I'll actually kill you.
Fantasy and Medieval are my two favorite genres, so if it's something for that, I'm most likely willing to do it, if I can do something I can enjoy in that role.
-Voice Acting Info-
The thing you probably came to see. I have a semi deep voice that can go sorta monotone, so if you need stuff like that, I can hook you up. I'm really not that hard to contact, you just gotta tell me why you're messaging me at 3 am asking me about termites.
I can talk quickly in some voices, so if you need stuff like that done too, I'm your inanimate object for the job.
~Contact Info~
Discord - Lampifer#6229