

Joined Mar 2021 0 Following0 Followers
About Kikkiek

I am an extremely committed person, bubbly and spirited, love to travel and explore new surroundings. I am excellent at physical movement from past experience reaching Level 8 Gymnastics and know basic tumbling. I hold poise in my stance. I can paint. I can act. I need creativity and spontaneity in my life. I thrive on learning and adapting to new things. Tapping into emotions are therapy and it makes me stronger as self-realisation come through when I create. I do this work because, I AM a constant creator and because I'm constantly working on my mind, body and spirit. I release ME into an energy to create the best possible performance and I’m good at being in the moment. If we cannot learn through other people who are always mirroring our flaws and beauty in ourselves, then we cannot trully understand the act of learning to love and to love ourselves. I have a very unique look, lovely engaging hazel eyes and medium dark brown hair. My look is energetic, warm and natural.