

Joined Jul 2021 5 Following2 Followers
About Kassanova

Hello there! My name is Kass and I've been acting as a passion for most of my life doing school plays and whatnot, nothing too glamorous but that's why I've decided to get more into it and put myself out there. I enjoy getting into the heads of other characters and pretending to be them so I see it as a fun way to pass the time. Also helps me work on personal building as I've always been shy my whole life so I'm trying to level up my charisma skill.

I also enjoy gaming and anime so I'm usually pretty familiar with source material for fan projects. My current side jobs include babysitting my guild mates in World of Warcraft (go ahead and call me a nerd) as well as streaming on Twitch. My schedule is still pretty open though. 

Should also note that even though my equipment isn't the best I work my hardest to make the audio sound the best I can and am willing to sink more money into equipment if needed.

If you want to check out the personality I can bring, look no further than my livestreams: twitch.com/1kassanova
