Jordan Scarzfava

Jordan Scarzfava

Joined Feb 2015 48 Following0 Followers
About Jordan Scarzfava

Hello.  My name is Jordan and I’m a freelance voice actress, artist, and singer with autism.

I have 15+ years of theater experience and 9+ years of voiceover experience. 


$4 per line with a minimum of $40

  • @hypervoiceacting

    Jordan is a voice actress I've collaborated with a lot of recently, and she is a very skilled voice actress. She has a nice range of voices and her acting and emoting are spot on as well.

  • @saoirse-connolly

    Jordan is a very dedicated and enthusiastic project director. She provides a safe and welcoming space for her performers to collaborate, share ideas and thoughts, and work together to achieve their project goals. She's very organised and up front when it comes to deadlines, expectations, and any directorial instructions she may give. The work she puts out shows just how much time and energy she puts in and how dedicated she is to making quality content. Her encouragement and candour make her easy to work with and generally speaking, she is just a lovely person. Would definitely do work for her again.