Pretty Cure: Re-awakened

Pretty Cure: Re-awakened

Joined Dec 2023 0 Following1 Followers
About Pretty Cure: Re-awakened

Hey Guys, My name's Johnny over the past couple years i've been watching this niche series known as... PreCure! I've been watching certain entries in the franchise and realized something it's never gotten an official "UNCUT" dub the dub made by Saban changed the name of the show ,the characters and their ethnicity and the character's names themselves were changed well the Futari wa Dub despite being faithful still changed the name to appeal more to an American audience.

But I will be changing that with my new studio "PRETTY CORNER" to make fully uncut and unedited dubs for the franchise in the similar style as DBZ & One Piece

we'll be starting with Splash Star instead of going in order and choosing futari wa these dubs