Joanna Lam

Joanna Lam

Joined Dec 2020 6 Following0 Followers
About Joanna Lam

 Hi! My name is Joanna and I'm a voice actor, scripter, and music writer, editor, animator/artist! I am very happy I found CCC! It wouldn't have been for Jenstine and Joanna Christina. I was watching a youtuber named Jenstine's voice acting video where a voice actor named Joanna Christina was the main character. I just fell in love with the voice acting and went to the description to see a link to CCC. I was interested so I pressed the link. I never thought I would go to this amazing Voice acting website. Thank you CCC! I also want to thank Jenstine and Joanna Christina. Here's a link to Joanna Christina's profile! Make sure to give her a recommendation!

What do you like about CCC?

What I like about CCC got to be the organization! When I joined CCC, Someone told me how to do everything! This got to be the best website for Voice Acting ever! I knew where to do things and the chat! Its just amazing how you can private chat like instagram and twitter and facebook! It's amazing! I definitely love the way we communicate too!  

What are your favorite movies?

Well, I have a lot of amazing movies that I like but In love with? Well, It got to be the Harry Potter franchise! I'm a big Harry Potter Fan! I love it all so much! WHen I was young I hated Harry Potter. I thought It was all so scary. But I was wrong! As soon as you read the first page of the first book, You won't want to stop! Trust me, All Potter fans been there.

And just a reminder, I have rather a soft voice. For example I could talk like fluttershy from "My Little Pony" And Luna Lovegood from harry potter, But I can't do like rainbow dash. I can do british accent but It's a bit hard to hear on Audacity.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Well, I don't have a lot of spare time anymore so I sort of forgot😅 I do like to edit and draw gacha characters and play roblox. I don't really know what I'm doing with my life right now 😅 I guess I could say that I write some music skits and write some stories and stuff like that.