Jilli Nilly

Jilli Nilly

Joined Mar 2020 6 Following0 Followers
About Jilli Nilly

Hiya! Hope you get to know me better!

My name is Jillian but I would rather be called Jilli. I like acting because I love showing emotions in different ways. I love being creative especially when writing and coming up with stories.

I have been voice acting since March 2020 and I think I have improved A LOT since then! 

The voice pitches I can do goes from high to medium-low

I mostly audition for nice/bubbly characters but I like serious characters too since they always amaze me on screen.

For now, I can only do an English accent but I’m practicing my British accent and I also want to learn how to do an Australian accent.

I can speak English and Swedish fluently and am learning French but I don’t think I will be using my Swedish skills that much.

When I was little I loved stories and still do!

I always watched stories and absolutely love cartoon network! 

I could talk about stories and how much I love them for hours and days but besides loving stories, I love writing them too and always enjoy putting heartful messages in them.

Even if I did start voice acting in march 2020 I still have a big passion for it. I want to do acting in the future and always practice my acting skills when I have the chance to.

Whenever I get a role I consistently try to finish my lines as fast as I can and try to get the best takes.

Socials: https://jillinilly.carrd.co/