

Joined Jul 2020 0 Following0 Followers
About Jeremiah12

Hey everyone, my name is Jeremiah Johnson.

I am a Winona State University Theatre Graduate. I have many years of acting experience but found my voice tends to do better than my body when performing.

I also attended the Minnesota School of Voice Over with Sarah Jones-Larson and Dave Larson as well as a couple of their exhibitions to enhance my abilities.

I have performed 3 audiobook narrations: Dino Jokes for Kids, Cowboy and Cowgirl Jokes for Kids and A Video Game Story: Superheroes vs. The Bullies!

Since then, I have been regularly uploading topical videos to YouTube under the name "Critical Thinking Anarchist" where I attempt to look at the world in ways that people don't often like to just to get people to analyze the news and the world in a way that's deeper than glancing at headlines.