

Joined Sep 2016 0 Following0 Followers
About jenniferg2

I am currently 12 years old, I like video games, music, singing, dancing, reading, writing, drawing, acting, roleplaying, cosplaying, and of course voice acting. I have two brothers, a mom, a dad, and a dog, but I have a few minor health problems although none are major, and definitely not even close to lethal. I live in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, where I have many branching paths I could take in life already, even at the age of 12, and I hope that voice acting could be one of them. I like Undertale, pretty much every au except for... THOSE aus. I also have been a fan of Pokemon and have played since Emerald, or the third generation, to be more specific. I like Minecraft fairly, I like Jackbox Games including games like Quiplash, Drawful, etc. I like Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Among The Hidden, The Giver, The Mazerunner, and pretty much every fantasy, action, suspense, drama, romance, and overall good and descriptive book.  I hear from my peers that writing is a strong suit of mine, but singing, acting, playing particular video games, math, english, history, science, health ( Ironically ), and having the ability to make random and horrible puns and or jokes out of nearly every word or situation, although mostly not shared aloud, are also my strong suits. My favorite color is blue, I like tacos, I love my family, and I love sugar, sweets, candy, baked goods, anything like that, and I am currently in middle school. I hope to be working with you in the future!