

Joined Jun 2020 9 Following0 Followers
About JayDoesThings


Hello there! My name is Jay, and welcome to my profile!

Here, I do mostly fan projects for Danganronpa, but who knows? I may branch out!

If you hear any of my auditions and want me to audition for your project, please feel free to DM me! I'd love to help!


Gender: As a biological female, I can do female voices a lot easier than male. I have a pretty wide range, from medium-low to pretty high. The only male voices I can do are either soft and high, or raspy and high-medium.

Age Range: I'd say, probably 9-20 ish? I'm not too sure about this one.

Vocabulary Style: I am able to voice characters that use a wider vocabulary, and I'm generally able to pronounce bigger words well.

Emotion Style: I love emotional characters! With emotional variation, I can pretty much cover most emotions, with the only one I'm not as good at is anger, as I tend to laugh when angry. I can fake cry, scream, laugh, yawn, cough, etc in character once I'm familiar with them. I also can do mood swings.

Best Characters: I am pretty good at doing expresinate characters, or ones that use a lot of emotions in their speaking pattern.  I also do prefer higher-pitched characters.

Worst Characters: Definitely monotone characters with low voices. I can be somewhat monotone if they have a medium or high voice, but I can't do low monotone voices for a reason I don't know.

Favorite Characters: MY INSANE BABIES! I love playing villains, masterminds, insane people, and others similar! I have a soft spot for my baddies ^^;

A little singing
Script Writing
Narrative Writing
Character Writing
Dialogue Writing
Backstory Writing

NSFW (I'm a minor so- no)
Homophobic, Transphobic, Sexist, Rasist, etc.
Project Takeovers


I look forward to working with you in the future~!