

Joined Apr 2020 2 Following0 Followers
About Isaiahdenitto

Hey there! My name is Isaiah Denitto and im a voice actor from syracuse, New york. Voice acting has always been a passion of mine, there were many years of soul searching that ultimately led me to this path, so im doing the very best i can to gain experience and further myself in this amazing career, Im very proudly a student of Chuck Hubers voice over master class (better know as the voice of android 17 from dragon ball z, Hiei from yu yu hakasho, etc.). Im also an avid DM to many friends during dungeons and dragons, and i love to express my voice acting through that and experiment with different kinds of characters. Just so you know a bit more about me, i love to play guitar (id consider myself at campfire guitarist level xD), and whenever i can work up the motivation im drawing or painitng, anime is usually my specialty.