
Joined Jun 2017 0 Following0 Followers

Hey there!

My names Glen, pleased to meet you. I've only recently dove into the world of voice acting so a lot of this page is bare.... wow... really bare. But I'm hoping to change that! 

I'm quite a big nerd and fan of everything from videogames to anime, fantasy to sci-fi, with a healthy dose of tabletop roleplay addiction. Which is why I'm doing this. So many characters, settings, worlds and realities are brought to life by the people behind them and I just wanted to get stuck in! I do enjoy having a laugh but I actually take this very seriously, light yet productive.

As anyone at this point should be, I'm very open to criticism and feedback so I can get better and hopefully provide more richer auditions for some of the amazing projects out there.

If there's anything more you'd like to know just PM.

Have a nice day!